Announcing the “Dual Roles Blogathon: One Actor ~ Multiple Roles”

20 Jul

Dual Role BannersThere is something particularly riveting about watching a film where an actor plays more than one role. Ronald Colman in The Prisoner of Zenda, Hayley Mills in The Parent Trap, Michael J. Fox in the three Back to the Future films. Even Ginger Rogers in The Major and the Minor.

It is that combination of technical know-how, make-up, and the sheer skill of an individual actor that produces the peculiar exhilaration one can feel. Cinema is, after all, about role playing and the illusion of reality, an image of reality. What can typify this more than the concept of dual or multiple roles?

In that spirit, Ruth of Silver Screenings and I are so excited to announce the Dual Roles Blogathon: One Actor ~ Multiple Roles.

Time – Friday, Sept. 30th – Sunday, Oct. 2nd

Rules – Duplicate posts on the same film are most welcome (it seems fitting for a blogathon dedicated to duplication and multiplication). Any film from any time, from the silent era to the present, are welcome. We are not, however, including TV episodes.

Also, duplicate roles can include anything from one actor playing multiple roles to one character playing multiple roles. For example, Ginger Rogers in The Major and the Minor. She plays alternately: herself, a child, and her own mother.

To sign-up, simply fill out the form below. Then take a banner – found below – and help us promote the Dual Roles Blogathon! We’re so looking forward to reading everyone’s contributions! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or Ruth at Silver Screenings.

The complete roster can also be seen, here.

Dual Role Banners

Dual Role Banners

Dual Role Banners

Dual Role Banners

Dual Role Banners

Dual Role Banners


Posted by on July 20, 2016 in Movies


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65 responses to “Announcing the “Dual Roles Blogathon: One Actor ~ Multiple Roles”

  1. Crimsonkay

    October 2, 2016 at 4:14 am

    We’re live with DAVE, a fun and timely movie. Thanks again to you and Ruth for hosting!


  2. Amanda Garrett

    October 2, 2016 at 7:33 am

    My article on The Three Faces of Eve for Old Hollywood Films is ready.

    Thanks for hosting


  3. Bill Oppenheim

    October 12, 2016 at 2:13 am

    Just a quick no-blog plug for Stanley Ridges in Black Friday ’40. A Jekyll/Hyde variation, he may be the only actor where the opposing roles really do seem to be two separate actors. And with minimal make-up…

    Liked by 1 person

    • christinawehner

      October 12, 2016 at 10:37 am

      Minimal make-up…that’s impressive! Thanks for sharing! I had not heard of that film, but I will have to look for it now. I am constantly amazed at just how many movies contain dual roles by actors.



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